Strategic & financial Planning

We can assist you in developing your strategic and/or financial plan to provide you with a roadmap for future performance. 

Why planning is so important to your business success: 

  • Financial planning is vital to the health of any organization;
  • It provides a longer term outlook of the company’s future and a benchmark to measure performance;
  • It helps to allocate resources and improve cost control measures; 
  • Whether the plan is for the upcoming fiscal year or a longer period, example 3 to 5 year outlook, it can be a great tool to help navigate your decision making. 

We can provide a framework to develop both your strategic and financial plan! 

Our Process for developing your plan:

  1. Initial Consultation - phone call to develop an understanding of your business requirements;
  2. Agree on scope of work and budget;
  3. If available, provide your prior/current year’s financial statements. This will be valuable in having a baseline for planning purposes;
  4. Business planning session can be done at your premises or alternate location as agreed;
  5. We will then prepare a draft of the strategic/financial plan with any follow-up questions;
  6. The draft plan will be provided to you by email for initial feedback. If needed, a call can be set up to discuss any further clarification/changes; and
  7. The final plan will presented to you, either by teleconference, or an in-person meetings. 

Planning services can be a one-time engagement or an annual review/assessment/refresh basis.
